Email me: Call me: 07961 285207
Follow your heart
Exercise is a stressor in a good way. It has a profound and powerful effect on our bodies. Cardiovascular training is arguably the most important form of exercise and the evidence on how important it is to us all is overwhelming.
Physical benefits of cardio include:
It is also excellent for our mental wellbeing. It lifts mood and releases endorphins which create a genuine 'exercise high'.
Cardio can form a large part of our sessions alongside resistance training if your goals require this.
How we do this is flexible. I utilise the wonderful countryside in Berrow where I can and will work with you on a “little bit of what you want and a little bit of what you need” basis.
Expect a mix of cardio and HIIT type workouts, driven by your goals.
What does 'diet' mean to you?
With so much 'advice' on social media and the internet it can be difficult to work out what to believe is true in nutrition, let alone decide on an effective strategy and stick with it.
Fat loss is one of the most common reasons to engage with a personal trainer to obtain the body you aim for.
There is no one strategy that works for everyone.
Genetics, body type, activity levels, frequency of meals, the effect of insulin and bio-mechanical availability (how you respond to certain restrictions) all play a part.
It's no wonder that most “diets” fail without professional help. I can assist with strategies that will work for you -
with the food you like to eat.
Not all clients are looking to drop weight and my knowledge can guide those looking to increase mass or eat for performance.
What’s clear is nutrition is a vital part on your way to your goals.
Consistency alongside manageable long term strategies is key.
Photo: Yenni Vance at Pixabay
It's not all about bicep curls - unless it is.
Resistance training, weight training or strength training - there are many ways to describe this vital part of overall health and fitness. Many clients, particularly female clients, are wary of strength training as they have a fear they will “bulk up “ but this is far from the truth, and we will look at the reasons why it's good to include it.
Strength training benefits are almost as plentiful as cardio, with improvements in; bone health; metabolic rate; muscle mass; joint health; injury prevention; posture; self-image; sports performance; power and endurance. It is helpful to make it part of an overall balanced picture of an effective training plan.
I utilise various rep ranges and advanced training systems, tailored to your goals.